Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How to Get Properly Indexed by Google

Alright I've been tinkering and experimenting for the past month and a half and have finally gotten an idea of how google has been working recently, and I thought I should share my discoveries.

Anyway for those of you who don't already know, I've been working on this thing called niche blogging, which is basically setting up a blog with a particular focal point, slapping on relevant posts that are keyword optimized for search engines and trying to make money with adsense. I can't say i've had much success, but there again I'm a stubborn/determined person and I won't/can't give up that easily.

I can't dispense advice on how to get top rankings, because hell, I can't do that myself. But I can tell you how I get my blogs indexed.

Google has been recently following this pattern, which I'll describe to you. Basically, You make a blog and fill it with posts. Googlebot will find your blog via a backlink, so gathering a few will help your blog get crawled by googlebot faster (note that it doesn't mean it will be indexed). Never, never add your blog with the google addurl page, it sucks big time and is completely useless. A quick way to get a few backlinks is to link to it from an existing blog, or if you don't have one, try do-follow commenting, meaning leaving good relevant and meaningful comments on related blogs which are already in the index and allow do-follow in the comments (DON'T OVERDO THIS OR YOU WILL REGRET). If you don't know what do-follow is, it's basically the absence of it's opposite, the no-follow. No-follow is just a link relation telling google not to credit the link, making the link effectively useless.

Do not dump many posts all at once. You might raise a spam flag and delay your indexing. Do not add adsense before you are indexed, that will slow down indexing and purportedly give a lower ranking than what you could have gotten otherwise.

Keep a lookout for your site by querying google, helpful commands are info:yoursite.blogspot.com ,which will help you determine if googlebot visited(if it did, there will be some info), site:yoursite.blogspot.com will show if you have been indexed or not, but even if you are indexed, you won't rank if you are in the google pit hole aka google hell aka the supplementals (to check if you are in the MAIN index, search and add two trailing slashes like this site:yoursite.blogspot.com// ) Finally there's cache:yoursite.blogspot.com which will show you the cache that google has of your site. THE CACHE IS NOT UPDATED UNTIL SIGNIFICANT CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE TO YOUR BLOG.

When you know for sure you site has been crawled, add a post or two (preferably long posts with pictures) and check the google cache of your site.

Now google will find and possibly index your site in roughly two days if you get enough backlinks. It might take longer but it should take less than a week.

Tricky part - The dreaded DE-INDEX. Google has recently adopted a new system in which they DE-INDEX some recently indexed sites. I'm not sure what their reasons for doing so are, but it really sucks. Either that or they visit your site once, decides it sucks and don't come back for a long time, leaving your site in suspended animation in their serps.

The cure? Update about once in three days. Whenever, and whenever you update, use PINGOMATIC (http://pingomatic.com) to ping your blog. Add all services to the ping, especially weblogs and google blog search, very important to keep pinging those.

If you do that for about two weeks, google will (and it's happened for every one of my 5 niche blogs) come back and totally index your site, shift some pages out from the supplementals.

This does not happen gradually, it will come in one shot. So you might be trying for a week and seems like nothing is happening, do not stop. Keep updating and pinging, it will work.

If I helped you, feel free to link to this blog.

Holidays are almost over, I hope to spend these last few weeks doing something meaningful.

| HCH - 12:38 PM |